Scientific Leadership Development Program

This new initiative promotes the leadership of post-doctoral associates and senior graduate students by inviting them to develop educational content in their areas of expertise and interest. BioXFEL Scholars will have an opportunity to participate in all of our Professional Development Modules (PDMs). This initiative has two components.
1. Leadership Participation - BioXFEL Scholars will participate in the planning and implementation of a specific on-site BioXFEL Event (i.e., annual conference, workshop, site visit). They will choose an activity that is aligned with their scientific expertise or professional development interests and will assist in development and delivery of educational content or a PDM. For example, a Scholar may choose to teach a workshop, lead a professional development activity, or chair a session at the annual conference. If you are interested in participating in any of our events, please email
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2. Leadership Initiative- Scholars may submit a proposal to develop and lead a unique PDM for other BioXFEL Scholars, the greater scientific community or the general public. The application will be competitive and will incorporate financial and administrative assistance from BioXFEL. This initiative will allow Scholars to actively pursue specific professional skill sets, create novel programming and gain leadership experience. Those that are interested in applying for this program should submit a proposal as outlined below.
Professional Development Proposal
- Write a brief (1pg) NSF-style white paper on the proposal that clearly states the aims of the proposal.
- Demonstrate a need for the event
- Describe any activities, the target audience, and your efforts to include minority populations
- Include metrics for success and expected outcomes of the PDM
- Propose a date, time, and location - preferably this would be aligned with an existing event like a conference, site visit, or an external event (ACA, IUCr, ACS, SACNAS, etc.)
- Include a budget with a detailed estimate of the costs associated with the event.
- BioXFEL has an annual budget of $5,000 for this program. This is intended to support multiple proposals, but larger proposal that utilize the full amount may be submitted.
- Include at least one letter of support from a PI within the Center.
- This could be from your own PI, or another that has agreed to help coordinate the event
- Proposals must be submitted by eligible and confirmed BioXFEL Scholars
- All proposals must include a scientific component that is aligned with the Center's scientific and educational goals
- Proposals can be for internal events (BioXFEL only), public events for scientists or for the general public (outreach)
- Considerations for inclusion of underrepresented groups is strongly encouraged
- Please submit the above materials to Bill Bauer for review by the Education and Diversity Committee
- Consultation with BioXFEL administration during the proposal process is recommended