
X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) present unique capabilities to revolutionize structural biology and its ability to probe the biological world. As the NASA Apollo era captured a generation's interest in outer space, these unique capabilities have the potential to capture the imagination of students, teachers, and potential scientists interested in inner space; we will foster this effect through our education and diversity programs. The BioXFEL Center is committed to building a culturally and academically diverse, inclusive community of scholars. We aim to make STEM studies exciting and accessible for all students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty and staff.

The BioXFEL Science and Technology Center encompasses wide areas of scientific and technical expertise. We strive to reflect our communities and make opportunities available by embracing diversity in people as well as ideas. We aim to ensure the broadest representation of expertise and opportunity for education driving our science and building the scientific community for the future.

UPR Outreach Applied Sciences Symposium with Unique Brains Organization

BioXFEL is sponsoring an Outreach Symposium to engage prospective students in the Puerto Rican Community. This symposium is organized by “Unique Brains: Connecting the Dots”, an organization with the goal of providing disadvantaged communities with information, opportunities and experience in the fields of science including, but not limited to, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Art, Psychology and Neuroscience. The Applied Sciences Symposium has the goal to help students embark on their careers in research, academia, and/or industry. Our objective is to give students an overview of these fields, share experiences from faculty and students, and provide them with hands-on workshops.

Register Here

Where: UPR Mayagüez Biology Department, B390

When: May 2nd (high school), May 3rd (undergraduate)

Coordinators: Nashaley Adorno De León and Gabriela Díaz Figueroa

Day 1:Applied Science for the rising generation

Audience: High School Students
Objective: These talks will be oriented to high school students, to give them an idea of the different opportunities available, and how to prepare for them. We envision the first three talks to be given by faculty sharing their experiences and career aspects. The other three talks will be from students who pair with the fields of the first three talks to demonstrate to the audience how they are achieving their goals and advice.
Conference: Provide six talks and two workshops from faculty and students that are involved and/or have experience in the different fields.
Topics of interest:

  • ●  Industry

  • ●  Careers in behavior and social sciences

  • ●  Programming Workshop

  • ●  Research project Workshop

    Day 2: Research

    Audience: Undergraduate Students
    Objective: These talks will be oriented to undergraduate students, with a focus on careers they can pursue and opportunities they can take within their careers. We envision the talks to be mostly given by faculty and concentrated on research and hands-on opportunities in the different departments within campus.
    Conference: Provide six talks and two workshops from faculty and students that are involved and/or have experience in the different fields.
    Topics of interest:

  • ●  Industry

  • ●  Careers in behavior and social sciences

  • ●  Programming Workshop

  • ●  Research project Workshop


Phase Retrieval Workshop 2021


BioXFEL sponsored a remote Phase Retrieval Workshop Monday, October 18 through Tuesday, October 19 2021. The workshop featured a mix of lectures and virtual demonstrations delivered by BioXFEL staff, scholars, and collaborators.


Diversity Equity & Inclusion

"Increasing diversity, equity and inclusion is an ongoing objective of our Center. This will continue to be a mindful pursuit that our Center continually strives to improve upon, especially in regards to the various forms of diversity. Below are some examples of how our Center aims to make progress toward increasing diversity, equity and inclusion; however, we know that this is an ever-evolving mission that entails consistent collaboration from a variety of individuals and sources."



- Nicole Terranova                     

Education and Diversity Director          



BioXFEL Crystallization Workshop 2021

BioXFEL will be sponsoring a remote Crystallization Workshop Friday, April 2nd, 2021.

The workshop will feature both introductory and specialized topics dealing with the crystallization of biological macromolecules and will cover techniques commonly employed in modern structural biology. The workshop will include mix of lectures and virtual demonstrations delivered by BioXFEL staff and Scholars.

Please click on the link below to register. You will and receive a Zoom meeting access code two days before the event.