BioXFEL COVID-19 ResourcesI'm sure all of you are tired of hearing how these are "unprecedented" or "challenging" times. We are all living through this together and are fully aware of the impact it is having on our daily lives, families, and communities.

Instead of reminding you of our hardships, we would like to offer some resources that may help. We have compiled below several resources that can help you get through this and come out on the other side as a better researcher, student, and mentor..

Mental Health and Wellness
Our first priorities should be to take care of ourselves and looking after our own mental and physical health. The University at Buffalo has put together several resources to assist with this. Make Today Meaningful is a web-based initiative put together by the Psychological Services Center at the UB. The goal is to provide free and accessible self-help resources in order to help everyone find ways to #MakeTodayMeaningful during times of stress, like the current COVID-19 pandemic.More health and well-being resources can be found on the UB site at If you need help, please reach out to someone.

Professional Development Webinars
Even though we may be stuck at home, unable to continue our projects, we can still advance our careers. Many professional societies have created free webinars that are available to the public. A few of these are listed here.

Tell Your Story

BioXFEL is currently gathering information on the specific impacts of the pandemic as they relate to your research and career advancement. Please take a moment to fill in our survey HERE. All of your answers will be kept confidential. Your input will be used to create new initiatives and support mechanisms at BioXFEL and will allow us to advise NSF on the actions that should be taken to counteract the negative impacts of the pandemic.


To add to this list of resources or provide other feedback, please contact Bill Bauer.