Education Resources

The X-ray Laser Interactive Network Colloquia (XLINC) Series comprises three main activities: the BioXFEL Journal Club, the BioXFEL Online Lecture Series and BioXFEL sponsored Workshops. 

In the BioXFEL Journal Clubs, graduate students discuss recent publications with important implications for XFEL science. Each student gives a brief overview a topic that is unrelated to their main expertise and reviews a recent BioXFEL publication. These presentations are transmitted live to the center and ABYS members, recorded, and posted to our website.

The BioXFEL Online Lecture Series presentations are given by leaders in XFEL-related fields. Here, scientists present the latest thinking on topics unique to XFEL science live to the center trainees and all of ABYS. Again, the lectures are recorded and posted online to the website. The collection of lectures and presentations that will be amassed by the X-ray Laser Interactive Network Colloquia(XLINC)will provide unique educational material on XFELs not available in university curricula. All videos are posted on and linked to our website.

BioXFEL Online Seminars:

The BioXFEL Seminar series features leaders in the XFEL field, typically Center members or close collaborators, discussing popular topics related to their own research. 

BioXFEL Journal Club Presentations:

BioXFEL Journal Clubs presentations are about 30 minutes each and are presented by a scholar that is not immediately familiar with the work. 


 BioXFEL Online Workshops: 

Several BioXFEL sponsored workshop lectures in the past year. Many of these workshops were recorded and posted online as a resource for the general public to view. 

Follow Us
For regular updates on our XLINC program please follow us on our BioXFEL YouTube Channel



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