Resources: Seminars

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Top Rated

The following are top-rated resources of this type.

  1. Microfluidic Platforms for Bimolecular and Nanocrystal Separation

    23 Sep 2014 | Seminars | Contributor(s): Alexandra Ros

    Dr. Alexandra Ros Analytical and bioanalytical applications of microfluidic devices or so called Lab-on-a-Chip Systems have been an extensive field of research over the past two decades. In many instances, integration of (bio)chemical analyses onto microfluidic platforms has been inspired by …

  2. Crystallography with an XFEL

    21 Jul 2015 | Seminars | Contributor(s): Marc Messerschmidt

    Dr. Marc Messerschmidt discusses the design and operation of the X-ray free electron laser at the LCLS. Be sure to grab the attached MP3 audio file to follow along. Topics discussed include: - XFEL fundamentals - LCLS machine capabilities and energy spectrum - Beamlines and instrumentation for …

  3. Introduction to Biological Small Angle Scattering

    08 May 2014 | Seminars | Contributor(s): Tom Grant

    (YouTube Video Below) An introductory course to small angle X-ray scattering intended for beginners in the field and those interesting in learning more about solution-based scattering. Topics covered include: - What is small angle scattering? - Reciprocal space to real space - Electron density and …

  4. Intro to Structural Biology

    02 Jun 2014 | Seminars | Contributor(s): Dan Gewirth

    Dr. Dan Gewirth of the Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute gives a brief overview of structural biology and its importance as a tool to understanding biological processes. Be sure to grab the MP3 audio file to follow along with the PowerPoint slides.

  5. Introduction to XFELs in Structural Biology

    03 Jun 2014 | Seminars | Contributor(s): Edward Snell

    Dr. Edward Snell gives a brief overview of how X-ray free electron lasers work and how they can be used to investigate structural aspects of biological systems never before accessible to experiment.

  6. Tabletop source for intense hard X-rays: toward a compact XFEL

    28 Oct 2014 | Seminars

    Dr. William Graves ASU Biophysics Seminar Series Today x-ray science is pursued either at major facilities housed in national labs, where the large synchrotrons and x-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs) produce an x-ray brilliance of at least 1020 photons/(sec mm2 mrad2 0.1%), or else it is pursued …

  7. DENSS: Ab Initio Electron Density Maps from Biological SAXS Data

    20 Mar 2019 | Seminars | Contributor(s): Thomas Grant

    Small angle scattering is an experimental technique used to analyze the molecular structures of a wide variety of biological and non-biological samples in solution. In contrast to X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy, where 3D electron density maps are calculated, available methods …