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    Lee Tremblay’s research in biophysics has focused on the structural and kinetic aspects of enzymatic action. In pursuit of the fundamental mechanistic forces behind enzymatic biochemistry, he has proposed experimental designs for the use of the unique features of the LCLS linear accelerator in California, which have the potential to provide researchers a highly detailed understanding of these processes. Pending success, these experiments will offer atomic details of the active site chemistry of native enzymes with time resolution of the transformative chemistry in enzyme active-sties. Observations of various enzyme mechanisms in action will bring us to a consolidated theory of enzymatic energy barrier crossing via the time resolved atomic coordination of these transformations. These observations should provide a more accurate description of the mechanisms by which enzymes coordinate various chemical transformations. Such comprehensive datasets will be used as the foundation for mathematical models and simulations of enzyme action, and will likely provide significant improvements to small molecule inhibitor designs. The ultimate goal is to then translate these novel inhibitors into drugs with therapeutic value against human diseases.

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