Usage: Overview

Table 1: User statistics
Users Totals Residence Organization
Identified US Asia Europe Other Identified Edu. Ind. Gov. Other
No data found.
Table 2: Simulation Usage
No data found.
Table 3: Miscellaneous Statistics
No data found.
Table 4: User statistics by registered/unregistered
Users Totals Residence Organization
Identified US Asia Europe Other Identified Edu. Ind. Gov. Other
No data found.

  1. Sum of Registered Users2, Unregistered Interactive Users3 and Unregistered Download Users4
  2. Number of Users that logged in. User registration assigns a unique login to each individual user.
  3. Number of Unregistered Users, identified by unique hosts/IPs, that had an active Session 10 without logging in. Does not include known web bots/crawlers.
  4. Number of Unregistered users, identified by unique hosts/IPs, that had an active session of less than 15 minutes without logging in and downloaded a non-interactive resource such as PDF or podcast. Does not include web bots/crawlers.
  5. Number of Registered Users2 that ran one or more simulation runs.
  6. All Unregistered Users, identified by unique hosts/IPs, that had an active Session 10. Does not include known web bots/crawlers.
  7. All Unregistered users, identified by unique hosts/IPs that downloaded a non-interactive resource such as PDF or podcast. Does not include known web bots/crawlers.
  8. Sum of Simulation Users 5 + Unregistered Interactive Users 3 including web bots/crawlers.
  9. Number of Simulation users that returned after a gap of 3 months.
  10. Begins when an IP is active on the site for at least 15 minutes. Ends when inactive for more than 30 minutes, including time spent viewing videos.
  11. Identified by a unique IP address / hostname.
  12. Based on MIT OCW metric of Visits: A visit is activity by a unique visitor delimitated by a 30 minute absence from the site on either side of the activity.
    These visits correspond to unique visitors 11. Does not include known web bots/crawlers
  13. Number of Simulation sessions that were shared between 2 or more users.