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- Thursday, 01 July 2021
Sabine Botha is a Postdoctoral Research Scholar in the group of Prof. John Spence at Arizona State University. She completed her undergraduate education and masters program at the University of Oxford (UK) in Engineering Science, specializing in Biomedical and Information Engineering.
After spending 2 years on sample injection for serial crystallography experiments at the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research in Heidelberg, Germany, she carried out her doctoral research on the DESY campus and obtained her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Hamburg in 2018. From this she moved on to Arizona, researching de novo phasing techniques for serial crystallography experiments with Dr. Nadia Zatsepin, switching to Prof. John Spence's group in 2019. She currently works as a data analysis specialist for serial crystallography data within the BioXFEL STC, as well as pursuing her own research into further developing time-resolved methods for serial crystallography experiments at synchrotrons.
Her new fellowship award will support research on multi-photon and heating effects induced by the laser illumination during time-resolved pump probe serial crystallography experiments. The project utilize blue-light sensing proteins and leverage collaborations with the European XFEL, and NSLS-II at Brookhaven National Laboratories to elucidate the time-resolved response of the photoreceptor at ultrashort time-scales.
The BioXFEL Postdoctoral Research Fellowship is awarded every two years.