The post-doc will develop original research projects, mainly based on EUV/soft x-ray FWM, and will be encouraged to collaborate with the EIS staff and external users on the running research activities. 


Original job posting can be found here

EIS-TIMER PostDoc Research Associate at FERMI ref. E/15/03

Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste is an international multidisciplinary research center operated as a user facility, featuring a 2.0/2.4 GeV, third-generation synchrotron light source and a variety of support laboratories. The extremely high quality of the machine and beamlines has set new performance records and has been producing results of great scientific interest. See for more information. A free-electron laser (FEL) based, fourth generation source - FERMI - is currently under commissioning. See for more information.

The aim of the EIS-TIMER beamline at FERMI is to extend four-wave-mixing (FWM) applications, in particular those based on the transient grating (TG) approach, into the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and soft x-ray regime. The possibility to exploit such coherent non-linear methods at EUV/soft x-ray wavelengths is expected to be a major breakthrough. A special setup (mini-TIMER) has been recently used to demonstrate FWM experiments with EUV transient gratings, and it is currently available for preliminary FEL-based FWM experiments at the DiProI end-station.
See for more information

Job Description:
The successful Candidate will be part of the EIS team and will participate to the installation and commissioning of the EIS-TIMER beamline, as well as to the experimental activities that will be carried out both at EIS-TIMER and at DiProI (using the mini-TIMER setup). These include the development of FWM approaches that also exploit the multi-color FEL emission provided by FERMI and optical laser pulses. Additionally, a number of methods (optical TG/FWM, Brillouin/Raman spectroscopy, FEL-based ultrafast EUV transmission, etc.) can be used as complementary tools. The post-doc will develop original research projects, mainly based on EUV/soft x-ray FWM, and will be encouraged to collaborate with the EIS staff and external users on the running research activities. Further upgrades of the beamline would be driven by the results of such activities.

A Ph.D. in Physics, Chemistry or a related discipline is required. Experience with FEL/synchrotron radiation and instrumentation and/or ultrafast methods (in particular those based on TG/FWM or on EUV/soft x-ray radiation) is highly desirable; a track record in such fields is a fundamental asset. The Candidate is expected to propose original research projects.
 Good time management skills and ability to prioritize are expected, together with the ability to interact with staff and facility users at all levels and to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
Good oral and written communication skills in English are essential, while  a working knowledge of the Italian language would be desirable but not required.

The search will be opened immediately and will continue until a suitable Candidate is found. The appointment envisioned is a Research Associate contract of an initial 12 months duration. The salary will be commensurate with previous experience and qualifications of the Candidate.
Applications should include a full curriculum vitae and publication list, the names and contact information (including electronic mail) of at least two, and possibly three references.

We thank all applicants in advance.

Applications should be sent by fax (++39) 040.938.0904, or by e-mail ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) to the following address:

Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.
Area Risorse Umane
S.S. 14 Km 163, 5 in Area Science Park
34149 Basovizza - Trieste, Italy

For more information, please contact Dr. Claudio Masciovecchio.
( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )
The position number E/15/03 careers should be clearly written on the application. The application must be accompanied by the following signed statement:
"The undersigned authorizes Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. to handle his/her personal data for the purpose associated with the present announcement, within the meaning of Italian D.Lgs. 196/03".