  • Faculty Postion - University at Buffalo

    The University at Buffalo seeks applications and nominations to fill a newly created, full professor position in the area, broadly defined, of the use of x-ray lasers in life sciences, chemistry, or materials sciences. Appointment will be made in an appropriate School and Department, depending on the background and desires of the candidate. The successful candidate will also be a key leader in the BioXFEL Center ( ).

  • Arizona Technology Enterprises awards Dr. John Spence and Dr. Uwe Weierstall

    Arizona Technology Enterprises (AzTE) awarded Dr. John Spence and Dr. Uwe Weierstall certificates acknowledging their success in getting beneficial research out to a larger audience.  They have a patent for their Gas Dynamic Virtual Nozzle for Generation of Microscopic Droplet Streams.  They also have a Non-Exclusive License with SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory for Gas Dynamic Virtual Nozzle (GDVN) for Generation of Micrometer and Nanometer Diameter Droplet Streams.  Money received from these licenses goes back into ASU research.

  • BioXFEL researchers and students attend ICCBM15 held in Hamburg, Germany

    The International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules (ICCBM) is arranged every two years by the International Organization of Biological Crystallization (IOBCr) and is attended by more than 300 individuals.  This year, BioXFEL represented more than 10% of the invited speakers including:  Drs. Edward Snell, Vadim Cherezov, Petra Fromme, Guillermo Calero, and Alexandra Ros.  Dr. Cherezov was recently elected to the IOBCR and Dr. Snell is entering his third term as a member. 

  • 2014 Crystallographic Methods Course at HWI Now Posted Online

    The goal of the course is that students acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of biomolecular crystal structure analysis that they will be able to comfortably, and with interest and insight, read and comprehend the articles in Volume F of the International Tables for Crystallography:  Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules, and articles in the current and recent literature reporting research in structural molecular biology by diffraction methods.

  • BioXFEL Scientist Dr. George Phillips Receives the 2015 Biophysical Society Fellows Award

    This award honors the Society’s distinguished members who have demonstrated excellence in science, contributed to the expansion of the field of biophysics, and supported the Biophysical Society. The Fellows will be honored at the Awards Ceremony during the Biophysical Society’s 59th Annual Meeting on in Baltimore, Maryland.

  • BioXFEL Scientific Director Dr. John Spence Receives John Cowley Medal

    Dr. John Spence, Scientific Director for BioXFEL, was recently awarded the John Cowley Medal at the 18th International Microscopy Congress held in Prague. Dr. Spence is only the third recipient of this prestigious honor. Four awards are given by the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy at the international IMC meeting every four years to "honor a microscopist who has made a major contribution to the field as epitomized by the pioneers for whom the Medals are named." Award winners are selected following nomination by microscopists and a vote by the IFSM Executive Board.
  • New ASU Center to Advance Research in Bioenergy & Biomedicine using XFEL Techonology

    Petra Fromme, an Arizona State University professor of chemistry and biochemistry, has been appointed by President Michael M. Crow to lead a new Biodesign Institute initiative that will have a significant impact on the fields of bioenergy, enzyme catalysis and drug discovery, called the Center for Applied Structural Discovery.