Cheetah documentation page 2
23 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin, Richard Kirian
Cheetah documentation Page 2.
Click here for Page 1.
Click here for a list of all keywords.
The official Cheetah website is http://www.desy.de/~barty/cheetah/
These pages will not reproduce all the content from the Cheetah site, but are meant as an addendum.
Running Cheetah …
Cheetah documentation
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
What is Cheetah and how do you use it?
Cheetah documentation - all keywords
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Richard Kirian, Nadia Zatsepin
List of all Cheetah's keywords
8. Managing and copying LCLS data
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
LCLS data management and transfer.
Introduction to serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin, Tom Grant
Introduction to serial femtosecond crystallography (SFX) with X-ray free electron lasers.
Presentation on software for SFX.
LCLS serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis instructions
21 Jul 2015 | Series | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin
SFX data analysis at LCLS Overview.
2015 Serial Crystallography Data Analysis Workshop at ACA Annual Meeting.
23 Apr 2015 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Nadia Zatsepin, Tom Grant
We are running a serial femtosecond crystallography data analysis workshop at ACA 2015 in Philadelphia, PA, focused on "Serial Crystallography Data Analysis with Cheetah and CrystFEL: Concepts and Tutorials". www.amercrystalassn.org/2015-wk.02 Workshop format: The workshop will start with an …
20 Apr 2015 | Downloads
Framesorter is a script for parsing the output from Cheetah
2015 Phenix Workshop at Rice University
03 Apr 2015 | Workshops | Contributor(s): Tom Grant, George Phillips
The Gulf Coast Consortia, BioXFEL, and Rice University present an instructional workshop on Phenix, the Python-based Hierarchical Environment for Intergrated Xtallography. Topics include experimental phasing, molecular replacement, model refinement and structure validation.